Black Garlic: The Healthy Garlic

Black Garlic: The Healthy Garlic

Written Jan 4, 2023 by Jorryn Yapadi, Brain and Cognition Student  - University of British Columbia, Canada.


Is Garlic Actually Healthy?

We use garlic in our everyday foods, so much so that we consider it to be an aromatic necessity, a must-have component that bases our savoury foods with fragrance and umami. It is used in many cuisines from around the world, and no surprise at that, too, as garlic is among the oldest known crops known to man, dating as far back as 10,000 years ago. 

Here is part of the scientific composition of a sample 2 tablespoons of garlic (17 g), highlighting the key components: 

  • 9% Vitamin C 
  • 3% Calcium 
  • 0% Sodium 
  • 2% Iron 
  • 3.3g Proteins

In addition, garlic also contains small amounts of B Vitamins, manganese, selenium, copper, and potassium. It might be small, but it packs a punch, both in flavour and in health. 

Though this undeniably essential root vegetable is already packed with some of the nutrients that our bodies need, what if we could transform it into something better? 

What is Black Garlic?

Using the Maillard reaction, which involves sugars reacting with protein (amino acids) in foods, we can use a 90-day cooking process with low temperature and high humidity to transform raw garlic into Black Garlic. The Maillard reaction is nothing special - the browning of toast or the caramelization of onions is this very same reaction, releasing a plethora of natural aromatic compounds and adding new colour and taste to the food. 

The slow-cooking process at low temperatures is extremely important as it safely cooks and blackens the garlic, avoiding toxins like acrylamide and trans-fatty acids that would be produced at higher levels of heat, while maintaining the humidity that is optimal in keeping the garlic pathogen-free and pH-stable. 



Comparing with Raw Garlic

Moreover, it seems that not only does its physical appearance change, but also its nutritional composition. Take a look below at the amounts measured from a sample 2 tablespoons (17g) of Black Garlic: 

  • 4% Vitamin C 
  • 2% Calcium 
  • 2% Sodium 
  • 4% Iron 
  • 12.3g Proteins

If we put the two compositions side by side, we have: 


Raw Garlic

Black Garlic

Vitamin C
















Besides Black Garlic being gluten-free, having increased levels of iron, and containing a lot more protein than its raw counterpart, a 2-tablespoon (17g) sample contains 5.84g of S-Allycysteine, a natural cancer-fighting compound that is absent in raw garlic. This is what is truly wonderful about this ingredient: its disease-preventing compounds and prominent antioxidant properties. 

Antioxidants in Black Garlic 

Along with S-Allycysteine, Black Garlic also contains antioxidants such as Allicin and beta-Carboline, which improves our body’s immune system by reducing inflammation, free radical compounds, and cell damage by oxidation. Black Garlic, compared to raw garlic, contains two to three more times more antioxidants, which of course indicates a higher range of health benefits and potential as a helper for immune response. 

By these properties and functions, it fights pathogens like bacteria and viruses, cleaning out our internal systems of its nutritional wastes and leading us towards a healthier liver, a cleaner heart, and a clearer brain. 



How Do You Consume It?

While Black Garlic may very well appear as burnt garlic, that is quite literally what it is - a safely-cooked, charred garlic. In terms of its physical and empirical differences, it loses its pungent aroma and instead of a strong, spicy taste, Black Garlic takes on a syrupy sweet flavour, with a soft texture and a more mellow but savoury aroma. 

This allows us to use this ingredient freely in liquid foods like soups, sauces, spreads, vinaigrettes, creams, and mayonnaise. It pairs well with vinegars, soy sauce, or salad dressings. Not only that, it’s also highly compatible in sweets, especially when added to syrups such as agave syrup, coconut syrup, or honey. The most convenient fact is that unlike raw garlic, Black Garlic does not need to be cooked, and can be added to your favourite recipes in its natural form. It is truly an all-rounder, a master of all trades. 

I personally have found Black Garlic to be a great addition in salads, pairing especially well with any balsamic vinegar along with the Tunisian Zenolive olive oil, as its strong, peppery taste compliments the Black Garlic’s sweetness in an excellent, contrasting harmony. 

Black Garlic is not only an aid to the immune system - it also tastes incredible. 

Black Garlic is the new garlic. 

It's healthy, sweet, and fresh as garlic. 



Click here to find out more about Zenolive and how you can get those polyphenols quickly.

Click here to learn more about Black Garlic from Food4LifeMarket.  

Click here to uncover the shocking truth about vegetable and canola oil. 



Food4LifeMarket. (2022, February 24). Certified Organic Regenerative Farm: Food 4 Life Market Garden: Pelham. Food 4 Life Market Garden. Retrieved January 4, 2023, from