Does Cholesterol Really Cause Heart Disease?

Does Cholesterol Really Cause Heart Disease?

Written May 6, 2022 by Jorryn Yapadi, Nanotechnology Scholarship Student 2021 - University of Waterloo, Canada.


Heart disease is caused by cholesterol and dietary fats! At least, that’s what the bulk of Western professional medicine and pharma-science have blared at its people – me and you – for the last few decades.

As a brief background, an American scientist named Ancel Keys conducted a study in 1953 and concluded that fat consumption was proportionally linked with heart disease mortality – in other words, the more fat you consume, the more likely it is for you to die from heart disease.

It was later found out that he framed the data deceptively: whereas the data for both heart disease mortality and fat consumption was available for 22 countries, he only took data from six of them to fake a connection. If you were to include data from the other countries, you would see no correlation at all.

In fact, multiple other studies, including ones by Professor George Mann of Vanderbilt University (Nashville) and Dr S L Malhotra of Bombay, showed that consuming animal fats and cholesterol either had no impact or decreased the risk of heart disease, meaning that natural fats are protective.

Practicing physicians would advise people to stay away from fats and use vegetable oil and margarine as substitutes, while prescribing cholesterol-lowering drugs, especially to the elderly.

Now, this is where it gets real shocking – all because of how dangerous this is.

What we’re told: Avoid fats and cholesterol, because they cause heart disease.

What is true: Your body needs natural fats and cholesterol, so when you consume enough of it, it gets used and your body doesn’t have to produce a lot of it and cause a surplus in the bloodstream.

When you’re not getting enough of it, your body must produce them, which results in high cholesterol levels in your blood. This leads to heart disease.

What we’re told: Replace our dietary fats with vegetable oils and margarine.

What is true: Plant matter contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are easily damaged by heat, light, and oxidation. When oils are extracted from plant matter and commercialized for our diet, the process includes additives and very high temperatures. This inevitably alters the chemical structure of the oil, making it damaging to your body.

Studies show that these oils cause “cancer, heart disease, diabetes, neurological damage, immune abnormalities… brain damage, testicular abnormalities, infertility…” (19), and the list goes on.

Want to know what these oils are?

You may be familiar: they’re sold as vegetable oil, corn oil, soy oil, canola oil, peanut oil, rapeseed oil, sunflower oil, margarines, and shortenings.

What we’re told: Cholesterol-lowering drugs are essential in avoiding heart disease.

What is true: We now know that cholesterol ingestion has nothing to do with the increase of heart disease. Moreover, multiple medical journals have concluded that cholesterol protects us from infections. Also, because our brains constantly need cholesterol for its processing speed (myelin sheath) and neurotransmitters (like dopamine and oxytocin), we actually need that cholesterol in our body.

Relatively recent studies (2007 and onwards) have found that many cholesterol-lowering drugs have side effects that cause liver damage, nerve damage, cognitive decline, violence, muscle damage, kidney failure, as well as being linked to breast cancer and Parkinson’s disease.

What a shocker.

Many doctors today are still giving questionable advice as I listed above, and not only in North America, but all over the world because of how prominent it became in the late 1900s. The reason for this is because they are either too busy or untrained to review medical journals and reports, so instead of analyzing the actual raw data, they only read the conclusions, which can be misinforming in many cases. This is also why it is easier for them to just get their information from pharmaceutical and drug companies, as skewed and untrue as it may be.

There’s no point to discuss why on earth American pharmacy and medicine would push such cruel guidance to us ignorant people and the rest of the public.

What’s truly important is that you now know that their advice on fat and cholesterol consumption is at best life-threatening, and at worst – well, life-ending.



Campbell-McBride, N. (2007). The diet-heart hypothesis. In Put your heart in your mouth (pp. 5–21). essay, Medinform Publishing.